Vin fra vest


torsdag 17. februar 2011


Man tror at mennesket begynte å kultivere druer allerede for 8000 år siden langs kysten av svartehavet. Selve "urdruen" Vitis sylvestris ,eller Vitis vinifera ssp sylvestris, vokste vilt i Europa og spor etter den er funnet så langt nord som Belgia. V. sylvestris hadde hunn og hannblomster mens de fleste viniferavarianter idag er tvekjønnede.

1 kommentar:

  1. I hope a Vitis sylvestris emerges that is resistant to highly resistant to phylloxera one day. Sadly I don't think enough are left for it to happen. If it did then we could back cross a few varieties and hopefully get vinifera on own roots again.
    You can grow it on own roots in England, although phylloxera was found once or twice in Southern England. There's probably too few grape vines between us and them for it to really get this far north though (I'm in northern England)
